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Rosemary Fineberg

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“‘What’s next, Fineberg?’ This is what my dad would say to my mom when he was ready for dessert (pie & coffee), of course. This is what I ask myself with regards to my art. I make art: paintings, mixed media clothing, jewelry & books. I especially love how the paint glides on the wood. My favorite landscape is Israel. The contrast of antiquity and modern draws me in. A series of these pieces incorporate Hebrew font. My neighborhood night scenes have been a recent endeavor. The contrast of darks and light create a magical, abstract effect. Large mixed media pieces incorporate fabric, paints, yarn, thread, glue, buttons, ribbon and whatever else found or recycled. Sometimes I reinvent my painted landscapes into this media. An unexpected event changes the series: ‘ENOUGH’ a large fabric piece tells of the violence in our schools. The covid upheavals became a painting. Each work takes me to the next piece.” - Rosemary Fineberg

Rosemary Fineberg is from New Jersey and lives and works in South Florida. Fineberg studied Art Therapy, Art Education, and Special Education and attended Graduate School at FIU. Exhibitions include Greene Gallery in Coconut Grove & The Carefully Chosen on Lincoln Road.

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